
Karen Lendzion

About Me

My Purpose

To continuously evolve and become the best version of myself, ensuring that I’m always positioned to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

My Inspirations

Compassionate Individuals

The power of compassion moves me deeply. Witnessing individuals who wholeheartedly invest in the well-being of others—be it by showing genuine interest, offering help, or simply being there in times of need—truly inspires me. These are friends and family members who epitomize kindness in action.


I am deeply inspired by those who dedicate their lives to creating positive change, particularly in underserved and marginalized communities. Whether they’re leading non-profit organizations, volunteering, or are devoted community members, their commitment to making a difference is commendable.

Physical Endeavors

The sight of individuals pushing their physical limits and challenging themselves often brings me to the verge of tears. Every participant at a race’s finish line has a unique journey, filled with challenges they’ve surmounted. Their stories of resilience and determination are awe-inspiring.

Natural and Artistic Beauty

The world is filled with beauty, from breathtaking mountain vistas to poignant pieces of art and profound literature. Immersing myself in nature, especially during backpacking trips with a great book, never fails to reinvigorate me, sparking fresh ideas and aspirations.

Cultural Diversity

The rich tapestry of cultures around the world is endlessly fascinating. I believe that diversity is a treasure trove of lessons, values, and perspectives. Witnessing different ways of life and the myriad ways people celebrate their heritage is always an eye-opening experience for me.

What Makes Me Relatable

  • Lifelong Learner: I am on an ever-quest for knowledge and always eager to learn something new.
  • Acceptance of Past Choices: I recognize and accept that my choices, fears, and circumstances closed some doors for me. This acceptance is an ongoing journey, but I remain hopeful and determined.
  • Navigating Life’s Timelines: As an older student, I often grapple with feelings of lagging behind. However, I remind myself that life is full of ups and downs, and it’s never too late to forge a new path or make a meaningful change.

What Makes Me Same-Same but Different

  • Looking Ahead: I am living life with intention. I have a clear vision and am learning to love the process
    not the destination.
  • A Difficult Past: I was removed from my childhood home by my mother to distance my sister and I from
    an abusive, alcoholic father. This harrowing experience has shaped me in many ways.
  • Living Undocumented: I have lived in the United States for over 25 years, some of that time without official documentation. As a DACA recipient, my experience offers a unique perspective on issues of immigration and identity.